Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's been a while folks, its been a while.

I went swing dancing last night for the first time in my life. How is it that I have missed out on this action my whole entire life? Actually, I think the fact of the matter is that I've just missed dancing. Oh sure, there were those weird dance parties we attended the last few years, but I miss actually developing and practicing an actual style of dance. 

In other news, which is actually bigger news, but everyone already knows unless you aren't my friend or even know me at all, I am engaged! To the latest and greatest Mr. Nicolas Paulhus. Yes, french canada has stolen my heart and there's no going back. 

Also, my dearest Emily Kirouac is back at the base and we are roommates! We need to be cleaner and more timely. 

I also went to Las Vegas again about a month ago for a week. It was really lovely to see everyone again and me and Nick started the whole house hunting ordeal. You know what I'm looking forward to next year? Driving a u-haul cross country. Oh man!

Other than that, the Compassion school leaves next week for Mauritius Island! Yeah babies! They are pumped up and ready to do just about anything. Mauritius is pretty heavily polluted and that has been a factor in many diseases the locals have, such as widespread diabetes. Can my clan unpollute an entire island? Well probably not, but they carry with them the hope of a future and a transformed life through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy thats pretty cool.

And we started an everlasting game of Monopoly. Welcome to winter activities. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Childhood dreams...

All of our showers our janky. When I experience a real shower at someone in a real home, I am blown away at what I’ve been missing. Then again, this is nothing compared to outreach. Most of the time last year we just had a hose. Some outreach groups aren’t even that lucky. But seriously, I don’t mind. Wherever God calls me, I can put up with anything. Seriously. I feel I could handle a zombie apocalypse if necessary. 
These past couple weeks have really been a whirlwind. It’s really nice to be back...I think I adjusted pretty easily. Especially considering that I made it through an entire week manning the kitchen without crying. I seriously have never cooked a full meal all alone before, let alone responsible for leading a cooking team. Believe me, I had wonderful, amazing help this week, but I was super proud of myself too. It involved a lot of prayer and a lot of looking up recipes. And God bless Kimberley Harris. She made me feel like cooking is effortless, and the reality is that its not that hard. Just throw a bunch of stuff into a dish and shove it in the oven. I even received some compliments. 

We also had our first Agape (love feast) since I've been back. Basically its a once-a-month ordeal where we have a theme and the whole base gathers together for a party. The theme this time around was Childhood dreams, essentially dress as what you wanted to be when you were a kid. I dressed as Peter Pan. Obviously. I always wanted to be an artist. The only times I reconsidered was when I was persuaded to do so. Its too bad that that probably held me back a little bit. Either way I will somehow produce some kind of art with my life, although right now I'm more passionate about finding ways to bring practical justice...justice being one of the most vague words available. What I mean is, I want to really truly help other people and better their situation, and also show them the Jesus that I love and who loves me. Thats all. 
I also went to Ottawa this weekend. Nicolas went to France this past week with Paul Goulet, a Pastor at the International Church of Las Vegas, where we are moving next year. Nicolas has a job at the church being the francophone director of Jesus Said Go ( It’s a missions/internship organization that connects people to the missions field. Basically, for 500 dollars a month (for food, transportation, housing), the organization connects your talents to somewhere in the world that needs an intern for that. Say you’ve been to bible school, but have no real world is your chance. Say you’re a doctor who wants to spend a month per year on the missions field putting your skills to use...voila! Anyway so after Nick got back from France, I met him and Paul in Montreal and we went to this church in Ottawa, Ontario to promote Jesus Said Go a bit and to hear Paul speak at their Holy Spirit Conference. We stayed with an awesome and extremely hospitable couple who were on the leadership team of the church. The church was french but they had a translator in a secret corner and some little earphones...I got the gist of it. There were two little girls who kept following me around, which is exactly the sort of thing I love, but they just don’t understand when someone does not speak the same language as them. Blah. 
Luckily I’ll soon be able to start taking french classes for an hour and a half a day once our French teacher gets better. 
And now that Nick is back, we shall master the kitchen together. 
Also, our friend Evanne from Indiana is back at the base! She will be staffing the Arts & Music DTS as well, and for now is helping in the kitchen in the mornings and then working with hospitality (which involves making muffins and folding sheets).
There’s a lot of things to do during the offseason of our DTS. There are three DTS’ a year and right now the Compassions DTS is running. There are 10 students and only 2 staff! But they are an awesome bunch. We start praying as a team for the Arts and Music DTS this thursday! Woohoo! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's amazing.

I just can't believe how blessed I am.

Can you believe that I am going to serve for the next year as an artist and missionary, alongside my boyfriend and one of my best friends in michigan, not to mention all of the friends I've made at the YWAM base and all of the people I have yet to meet. It amazes me. Not only am I so extremely happy doing what I'm doing, I know that I'm growing and being challenged constantly in my relationship with God and relationships with others. 

I suppose it especially amazes me that I'm going back as a leader and living among all these people- given that I've always been somewhat shy. I was always very careful about who I opened up to and suddenly I find myself telling every dirty detail about my life to a room of 30 people. Weird. I know I'll be challenged a lot this year but I've come a long way. I shake peoples hands and introduce myself now. But I'm still horrible at small talk. I try really hard, but when things get awkward I just hate it. Maybe I need to build up a collection of small talk questions or something. 

Anyway, I'm going back in two days. My sister, Rachel, and her husband, Ross, are driving me. A mere 15 hours. If we don't stop. I'm excited even for the drive though....I like both of them a whole lot. Its been really nice to spend a bunch of time with them since I've been in Michigan, since most of my friends are away at school. We have watched a lot of Smallville. 

I'm excited to see what the dynamic of the base will be like when I get there. There's a whole lot of new people and a lot of people gone. 

I'm sad to be leaving Holland again though. I take the small pleasures of home so for granted. I love that I get free food. And that theres a billion thrift stores in a 5 mile radius. I love that I get to see my little sister every day. How is she 16 and so wise? Sheesh. I love that I've been able to paint and earn money. 

I love hearing about what others are doing in this area. 
Like Tyler and Hannah, who have a heart to build a community of christian college students in the area. Like my friends who are still in the area, Amanda, Ashley, Allen, and Emily, and how they just bring the presence of God wherever they go and stand strong in their beliefs. 
Like my friends who are part of Hope for the Voiceless. As scattered of a group as we are, we still have one common goal: to raise awareness about sex trafficking and especially the realities of supply and demand in the world of pornography and the comercial sex industry. It's really dark business. (
And countless others who serve God day in and day out, the unrecognized local missionaries. 

Anyways. I love life.